30 JUN 2013 by ideonexus

 Digital Archiving Creates an Immense Wealth of History

With digital archiving in all its forms, however, a new regime of technologies for holding past experience has emerged. Our past has always been malleable, but now it is malleable with a new viscosity. Whereas in the past our experiences were frequently (literally!) pigeonholed into rigid classification systems, leading to a relative paucity of tales we could tell of our past, today the traces have multiplied and the rigid classifications are withering. (Who now does a “tree” search using...
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We once had to document history, but now our lives are documented for us all over the place online.

04 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Chemists Live More Sweetly Than Persian Kings

The chemists are a strange class of mortals, impelled by an almost insane impulse to seek their pleasures amid smoke and vapour, soot and flame, poisons and poverty; yet among all these evils I seem to live so sweetly that may I die if I were to change places with the Persian king.
Folksonomies: knowledge wealth
Folksonomies: knowledge wealth
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Knowledge for its own sake is more satisfying than immense wealth.